nodejs in Linux (CentOS): compilation and installation from source

Third party dependency libs

sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

Note: Development Tools contains various 3rd party libs to compile and build new rpm from the source.

If above command does not install any lib in your machine, then you may try the following command, (In my machine, Development Tools did not install anything).

sudo yum groupinstall "Additional Development"

Compilation and installation steps

Download the nodejs from the official site:

1) Create node-4.1.2 installation directory in the /opt with proper read/write/executable permission
     i.e: /opt/node-4.1.2

2) Run the following commands in the downloaded source folder of node:

     2.1) sudo ./configure --prefix=/opt/nodejs-4.1.2
     2.2) sudo make install


You may want to add more option during configuring process. To see more options: 
     ./configure --help

In my case, I kept default settings. I just configured my desired installation directory.

You may want to install nodejs in different directory. In this case, you have to change --prefix value to your desire nodejs installation directory path instead of /opt/nodejs-4.1.2.

3) Create file in /etc/profile.d folder:

      export NODE_HOME="/opt/nodejs-4.1.2"
      export PATH=$NODE_HOME/bin:$PATH

4) Logged out or restart the machine
5) Update npm: npm install -g npm. (Depending on permission, you may need to use sudo/su command)

Yes! your are done. nodejs is installed successfully with updated npm (if update available).


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