How to install Apache Activemq 5.12.1

Today, I have installed Apache Activemq 5.12.1 in my Linux Mint machine.

Here is the steps:

1) Download latest activemq from the site:

2) Extract the achieve file

3) Move the apache-activemq-5.12.1 file to /opt/ directory. It is my desire directory. You may want to move different directory.

4) Create file in /etc/profile.d/ directory and put the following lines.

        export ACTIVEMQ_HOME=/opt/activemq-5.12.1
        export PATH=$PATH:$ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin

5) Logout or restart the machine

6) Verify the activemq by executing the following command

       sudo activemq -v

7) Run the activemq by executing the following command

      sudo activemq start

Yes!!! you are done.


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