
Showing posts from October, 2015

Few thought about Logging

In this post, I would like to share my thinking about logging. I have more than 6 years of work experience as a software developer. My thinking about logging may not be 100 percent accurate because I do not have enough experience In my point of view, enough experience means 20 to 30 years of experience . However, I would like to express my thinking about logging. I believe in rules. Without rules, a software team will not see the light at the end of the tunnel. In my experience, I do not like to take stress and do not like to work from home everyday. I have a family, I am not single person. I have to attend kid's birthday party. Rules prescribe common guidelines where everybody agrees on it without any doubt before writing any single line of code. Therefore, there will not be any question or confusion after the final release of the product and no more stress. Why rules is required? Rules is nothing but requirements or common structures or common guidelines from the technical p...

Linux Mint: How to unblock wifi from hardblock and softblock

Today, my 15 month old son pressed bunch of keypad buttons very quickly before I stopping him to do his experimentation on the Linux terminal. By the way, he likes Linux terminal :-) ...... Long story short, I restarted the computer in the late evening and found my computer wifi is not working. Everything is OK but I could not turn on the wifi. Then I ran the following command in the terminal: sudo rfkill list On the terminal, I have got the following response, after executing the above command: 0: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: yes Hard blocked means, the wifi is turned-off by the physical switch. In my Dell machine, it is the F2 key. So I turned-on. Now, I have ran the command again: sudo rfkill list On the terminal, I have got the following response, after executing the above command: 0: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: yes Hard blocked: no 5: hci0: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no To turn off the soft...

How to install Apache Activemq 5.12.1

Today, I have installed Apache Activemq 5.12.1 in my Linux Mint machine. Here is the steps: 1) Download latest activemq from the site: 2) Extract the achieve file 3) Move the apache-activemq-5.12.1 file to /opt/ directory. It is my desire directory. You may want to move different directory. 4) Create file in /etc/profile.d/ directory and put the following lines.         #ACTIVEMQ_HOME         export ACTIVEMQ_HOME=/opt/activemq-5.12.1         export PATH=$PATH:$ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin 5) Logout or restart the machine 6) Verify the activemq by executing the following command         sudo activemq -v 7) Run the activemq by executing the following command       sudo activemq start Yes!!! you are done.

nodejs in Linux (CentOS): compilation and installation from source

Third party dependency libs sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" Note: Development Tools contains various 3rd party libs to compile and build new rpm from the source. If above command does not install any lib in your machine, then you may try the following command, (In my machine, Development Tools did not install anything) . sudo yum groupinstall "Additional Development" Compilation and installation steps Download the nodejs from the official site: 1) Create node-4.1.2 installation directory in the /opt with proper read/write/executable permission       i.e: /opt/node-4.1.2 2) Run the following commands in the downloaded source folder of node:      2.1) sudo ./configure --prefix=/opt/nodejs-4.1.2      2.2) sudo make install Note:  You may want to add more option during configuring process. To see more options:       ./configure --help In my case, I...

SCP (Secure copy) commands:

Using SCP command, you can copy file/directory over the network securely from remote machine or to local machine. 1. Copy file from local to remote machine: scp -p 2217 test.txt remoteHost@ Note: Here, -p is PORT.  If default port is 22. If default port is honoured by remote machine, then port is optional , test.txt is the file which is copied to remote machine. Remember about ":" after remote machine address.  2. Copy file from remote machine to local machine: scp remoteHost@ ./ Note: It is almost same as above example. The main difference is we are coping file from remote machine to local machine, so we have to say remote machine address after "scp". My remote machine honoured default port, therefore, I do not need to declare it. Hmmm.....How do I copy a directory.... :-)? You just need to add another argument, -r. For example: scp -r ....