I like my old friend
It is an old post based on old idea, it is not relevant anymore. XML VS JSON. Which one is the super-power to exchange data from server-side to client-side? This is old debate. You will find thousands article about it. Why am I writing about it? When I was working with IBM Toronto Lab, someone asked me why I like XML. I said my reason and I have only one reason. Most of the people like JSON because of its hype and unfortunately, they did not get the opportunity to work with complex data. JSON is the best approach to transfer data from server-side to the client-side because JSON is lighter than XML and easy to fetch data from JavaScript. It is true only if complexity of data and business requirement are simple. Now think about the following scenario, I am working with scheduling software where XML contains schedule of each team member. I need to send more than 1000 data from server to client side such as, RIA at a time. The big picture of the XML is: ...