
Showing posts from April, 2021

WildFly 19 and Log4J2

In this post, I would like to share my story about external configuration file of Log4J2. I developed a Java web application in WildFly 19 application server. It was my pet project. I followed few strict rules about 3rd party libraries. For example, I did not use log4j2-web library/jar file. It was the challenge because in some workplace you cannot have luxury to get all bells and whistle. You have to accept the situation. Therefore, I took this challenge to use external configuration file of Log4J2 in the web application without depending on log4j2-web jar file. My development environment's logging configuration is not same as production environment. In this case, I do not want to swap between development configuration and production configuration file during deployment.    The above situation can be mitigate by two ways: Use external logging configuration file. User application server specific logging system. For exampke, ...